A little Lara Bug's adventures...

Our Journey To You

Been a while 

Hey little one, been a while since I’ve posted and said hi. I’ve started to talk to you more and sometimes lay on mummy tummy but you kicked my in the head as you didn’t like me laying on you. 

You have been very stretchy and very wriggley lately as you continue to grow. Mummy is now struggling to sleep and lay on her front so we have broken out the noodle to help mummy sleep and can honestly say last night was a good night for sleep. 
In the outside world it’s the same old both me and mummy continue to work so we can buy you nice things, we have your room setup and clothes blankets baths etc are ready and waiting for your arrival, we will be going shopping at the weekend for more essentials. 
And as always we can’t wait to meet you